|| *Comments on the 1982 Super Molson 100:* View the most recent comment <#2> | Post a comment <#post> 1. MSportRev posted: 01.17.2020 - 1:50 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Time of race: 00:37:10 Average Speed: 53.812 MPH 1 caution Race Purse: $ 12,910 Jean-Paul Cabana earned $1,660 Kevin Lepage earned $355 Chuck Bown earned $390 Source: Ultimate Racing History 2. Z posted: 06.05.2020 - 2:54 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) On this day x38 years ago, Jean-Paul Cabana picks up win #6 of his career & 1st of x5 during the '82 season. NASCAR North would ultimately make x16 trips to @VB, w/ Robbie Crouch ('82 Champion), Jamie Aube, & Claude Leclerc running all of them; Beaber Dragon, Gardiner Leavitt, & Keith Cavanagh each ran x15 races @VB. -36th of x105 starts, Milt Wright- -63rd of x164 starts, Jean-Paul Larose- -82nd of x177 starts, Gardiner Leavitt- BF: Jean-Paul Cabana (tied) Stub Fadden (@VB) 2BF: Dick McCabe (tied) Robbie Crouch (@VB-Tied) Jamie Aube (@VB/2<5@) LT10: Claude Leclerc (@VB) FR: Beaver Dragon ('82) Chuck Bown (@VB/2WF@) -7th of x115 starts- 2R: Wes Rosner (@VB/2BF@-Tied) -13th of x83 starts- Allen Whipple (@VB/LR@, WF@; 2LT10) -23rd of x29 starts- Barney McRae (@VB/2WF@) -6th of x80 starts- 2LR: Hector Leclair (@VB) -79th of x123 starts- Joey Kourafas (@VB/2LR@; WF '82) -33rd of x96 starts- LR: Claude Aubin (@VB/2BF@) -31st of x37 starts- OR: Dave Dion (@VB) -29th of x53 starts- 2WF: Bobby Dragon (@VB) -61st of x162 starts- Kevin Lepage (@VB) -46th of x140 starts- Keith Cavanagh ('82-Tied) -70th of x140 starts- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: