|| *Comments on the 2017 Jet Tools 150:* View the most recent comment <#14> | Post a comment <#post> 1. The Great Dave posted: 02.20.2017 - 9:17 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Sponsor Update #04 Just As I Am / Bassett #5 Peak AntiFreeze / Infinitum 2. Lucstar88 posted: 02.20.2017 - 9:32 am Rate this comment: (2) (0) K&N East debuts for Zane Smith, Derek Kraus, Travis Cope, Chase Purdy, Chase Cabre, Vinnie Miller, Anthony Sergi, Salvatore Iovino, Sheldon Creed, Amber Balcaen, Jesse Iwuji and Luis Rodriguez Jr. 3. Lucstar88 posted: 02.20.2017 - 9:53 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) First career win for Ronnie Bassett Jr. 4. nascar_vd / racing-reference.info posted: 02.20.2017 - 11:20 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Note: all cars = New body style except the #9 = old body style. 5. Anonymous posted: 02.20.2017 - 11:53 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Holman was filling in for an ill J.P. Morgan 6. Anonymous posted: 02.20.2017 - 1:32 pm Rate this comment: (0) (8) Holman should still be in the 75 truck instead of that talentless hack Kligerman 7. Dodge posted: 02.20.2017 - 1:38 pm Rate this comment: (5) (0) I see a troll but not going to feed into it. 8. RaceFanX posted: 02.20.2017 - 10:55 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Here's hoping J.P. Morgan feels better soon. Great to see he is moving up after all his success in the old ProCup series. 9. Chunks posted: 02.21.2017 - 10:03 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Is Berlin on the the East Series schedule? 10. Archie posted: 02.21.2017 - 10:05 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Yes, July 1. http://www.racing-reference.info/raceyear/2017/E 11. nascar_vd / racing-reference.info posted: 02.22.2017 - 7:04 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) And now the missing rack on the East schedule for the September 2,2017 is Langley Speedway ! Good track ! 12. 1995z71 posted: 02.22.2017 - 11:05 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Jesse Iwuji's car owner is former NFL Pro Bowler Shawne Merriman. 13. Luke posted: 04.17.2017 - 8:11 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Chuck Buchanan, Jr. in the #19 Ford, entered by Chuck Buchanan Sr. WD from the race 14. Rich posted: 08.25.2020 - 7:41 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Dave Burns and Parker Kligerman were the commentators with Derek Pernesigilo on pit road. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: