|| *Comments on the 2000 Nextposure 100:* View the most recent comment <#2> | Post a comment <#post> 1. acerogers58 posted: 05.19.2020 - 4:39 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Steven Howard and Pete Harding had a hard crash in this race, which ripped the entire front of Howard's car. His car number should also be corrected to #38 instead of #8 2. rm posted: 10.27.2020 - 2:08 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Track was measured at 1.95-miles in length again. Hart's pole speed - 92.641 mph First caution - 42 accident turn 1 To the rear - 2 - engine change Benedetti's motor broke in practice and he never turned a lap at speed until qualifying. During the group session, Benedetti's backup mount grenaded after he set his time. Benedetti's team worked feverishly to have the car ready in time for the main event, which they did by putting what was left of his original motor back in the car along with various "new" pieces scavenged from places unknown to the driver. And since it worked by Benedetti finishing second, he proclaimed that he had no clue where the parts came from and that he didn't even want to know at that point. Zaretzke's winnings - $9,025 Hamlin's winnings - $1,325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: