|| *Comments on the 2005 Aaron's 250:* View the most recent comment <#1> | Post a comment <#post> 1. rm posted: 12.30.2017 - 5:13 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) First caution - laps 1-5 - 47 spun turn 4 Second caution - laps 41-46 - 00 spun turn 2 Third caution - laps 50-53 - 34 spun turn 4 Fourth caution - laps 56-60 - 01, 06, 88 accident turn 2 Fifth caution - laps 69-73 - 73 spun turn 2 Sixth caution - laps 75-83 - ?? Seventh caution - laps 90-97 - 16, 53, 73 accident turn 4 Eighth caution - laps 157-162 - 06, 30 spun turn 4 Ninth caution - laps 172-176 - 18, 34 accident backstretch Tenth caution - laps 180-189 - 20, 56, 99 accident turn 4 Eleventh caution - laps 190-192 - ?? 81 sponsor - Knight Industries 03 DNF reason - engine 56 DNF reason - crash ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: