|| *Comments on the 2000 Community Recycling Firecracker 100:* View the most recent comment <#1> | Post a comment <#post> 1. Z posted: 09.20.2020 - 12:36 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Matt Crafton's 1st of x2 Wins During A Championship '00 Season (3rd of x5 Career). Crafton's Win Marked His 2nd & Last Time Leading Every Lap Of A Race, His 1st Career Win (Also x100 Laps, @El Cajon) Being The Other Occasion. Crafton Won The Title Through What Would Go On To Be A Trademark Of Consistent Finishes, & Was Able To Secure It Despite What Could've Been Disaster During The Penultimate Race Of 2000; Crafton Was On His Way To Another x100 Lap Sweep When A DNF Struck @L75, But Fortunately For Crafton, Runner-Up Auggie Vidovich Too Had Issues In A Race Half The Field Had Problems During. -18th of x94 Starts, Auggie Vidovich- -20th of x64 Starts, Greg Pursley- -27th of x54 Starts, Scott Lynch- -40th of x73 Starts, Scott Busby- -82nd of x142 Starts, Darrell LaMoure- -152nd of x212 Starts, MK Kanke- -202nd of x279 Starts, Bob Lyon- BF: Matt Crafton (@MM, Car-Tied) -63rd of x80 Starts- Steve Smith (Tied; 2R @MM) -6th of x20 Starts- Rocky Nash (@MM) -29th of x61 Starts- Paul Banghart (@MM/2&LR@; FR '00, 2T15 Car) 2BF: Mark Reed (Tied) -88th of x101 Starts- Sean Woodside (@MM/2R@; 2LT5 '00) -13th of x34 Starts- Doug McCoun ('00-Tied) -128th of x207 Starts- Kevin Vernon (@MM; FR/BF '00, FT10-Car) -4th of x32 Starts- Kenny Shepherd ('00/FT10 '00; 2LT10 @MM) -76th of x96 Starts- 2T10: Frank Maronski Jr ('00) -88th of x123 Starts- FR: Clint Curry (WF @MM) 2R: Todd Souza (@MM) -6th of x64 Starts- Mike Ledbetter (@MM; 2LR/2WF '00) -3rd of x52 Starts- Greg Fowler (@MM) -9th of x49 Starts- Greg Anderson (2WF; OR @MM) 2LR: Bruce Betchel (@MM/2WF@; 2WF-Tied '00) -17th of x21 Starts- Jon Nelson ('00/WF '00) -10th of x30 Starts- OR: Ross Thompson (@MM; 2BF, LT10) -6th of x10 Starts- Gary Matranga (@MM; 2NT20-Car) -5th of x9 Starts- 2WF: Ryan Foster (@MM; FR/BF '00) -4th of x12 Starts- 2DNQ: Chris Wadsworth (@MM/Car) Kazuyo Saito (FDNQ '00, @MM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: