|| *Comments on the 1987 Winston Classic:* View the most recent comment <#5> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. Spannerhead29 posted: 06.28.2014 - 8:36 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) 1987 Busch Championship with Formula One points system of the same year. Larry Pearson dominates, scoring more than double than 2nd place Mike Alexander. Position Driver Points 1 Larry Pearson 98 2 Mike Alexander 45 3 Morgan Shepherd 41 4 Mark Martin 40 5 Jimmy Hensley 38 6 L.D. Ottinger 32 6 Harry Gant 32 8 Brett Bodine 30 9 Jack Ingram 29 9 Rick Mast 29 11 Dale Jarrett 28 12 Geoffrey Bodine 26 13 Darrell Waltrip 25 13 Tommy Houston 25 15 Elton Sawyer 23 16 Dale Earnhardt 19 16 Larry Pollard 19 18 Robert Ingram 15 18 Ed Berrier 15 20 Max Prestwood 11 20 Brad Teague 11 20 Tommy Ellis 11 23 Jamie Aube 10 24 Rusty Wallace 9 25 Dave Dion 6 26 Rob Moroso 5 27 Joey Kourafas 4 27 Bosco Lowe 4 27 Bill Elliott 4 30 Dick McCabe 3 30 Neil Bonnett 3 32 Joe Thurman 2 32 Kenny Burks 2 32 Bobby Allison 2 32 Ken Schrader 2 36 Ken Bouchard 1 36 Mike Porter 1 36 Ronnie Silver 1 36 Billy Clark 1 2. RaceFanX posted: 08.17.2015 - 11:57 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Jimmy Hensley's only win of the 1987 season comes at the last possible moment, preventing him from going two straight seasons without a win. 3. RaceFanX posted: 05.30.2016 - 11:56 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Dale Jarrett records a top-10 as he completes his last full season as a Busch series competitor. 4. Gray Gaulding's Distant Cousin posted: 12.06.2018 - 12:36 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) CAUTIONS Caution 1: 76 Spin turn 2 Caution 2: 76 Spin Frontstraight Caution 3: 37 accident frontstraight Caution 4: 42,90 Accident Turn 1-2, 22 Spin Turn 3 Caution 5: 1 Spin Turn 1, 31 Accident Backstraight Not sure what the last caution was 5. SweetRich posted: 02.20.2020 - 11:44 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) The Commentators For The Race Were Eli Gold And Jerry Punch. The Pit Road Reporter Was Pat Patterson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: