|| *Comments on the 1990 Carolina Pride / Budweiser 200:* View the most recent comment <#10> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. Grizzlers posted: 06.30.2009 - 7:06 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) What happened?? Tommy Ellis leads 199 of 200 laps and finishes 7th. Did Mark turn him?? Did he run out of gas?? Did he break?? What happened?? 2. dewalt17 posted: 11.07.2009 - 1:23 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) tommy ellis must have felt sick after this race 3. anonymous posted: 03.05.2011 - 3:18 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) tommy ellis ran out of gas on the last lap 4. RaceFanX posted: 08.17.2014 - 2:33 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) This was Mark Martin's only Busch series victory of 1990 and his last in Bill Davis' #1 Ford. 5. Evan posted: 08.01.2015 - 10:00 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Mark Martin wins in a car that Jeff Gordon would soon take over with Baby Ruth sponsorship. 6. Mark posted: 06.29.2016 - 7:13 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) That must've been some finish. YouTube don't even have it. 7. Jimnsimforever posted: 12.31.2018 - 8:20 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) @5 Jeff Gordon actually took the #1 car over full time the next year, 1991, with the same sponsor, Carolina Ford Dealers. Jeff Gordon's 2nd and final full year in Busch his #1 car switched to the Baby Ruth sponsor. When you see clips of Gordon's career starting in Busch Series they just always show clips with the Baby Ruth car because he won 3 times that year and finished 4th in points. The first full year with the Carolina Ford Dealers car he didn't get a win, finished 11th in points, although he did win Busch Rookie of the Year. 8. RaceFanX posted: 09.09.2020 - 9:05 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) With NASCAR recently putting up videos of the 1991 to 2000 Busch races here on its YouTube it appears more and more likely this one wasn't televised. What a shame given the barn burner ending. There's probably some footage out there from a racing highlight show or something but who knows. 9. GGDC posted: 09.09.2020 - 10:10 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) @8 Yeah TNN didn't go heavy into BGN till 1991 so a lot of 1990 races we're either not on TV or on something like Prime. 10. simkon posted: 09.15.2020 - 7:47 am Rate this comment: (1) (0) This race was covered by MIZLOU, but they did not televise it live or in it's entirety. It was shown on tape delay and condensed to fit into a 30 minute time slot. The actual racing footage was only 18 minutes, with a brief introduction and recap of the race results and points after the race. They interviewed Martin but not Ellis after the race. This information is all from my excel spreadsheet, as I don't actually have the DVD handy to watch it right now. Hope this helps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: