|| *Comments on the 1991 Gatorade 200:* View the most recent comment <#21> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. RaceFanX posted: 12.09.2011 - 6:33 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Big E scores his last Busch series win on a non-restrictor plate track. 2. 23andJoe posted: 06.05.2014 - 8:32 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) #15 crew chief: Tim Kohuth 3. saltsburgtrojanfan posted: 03.19.2015 - 1:48 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Caution 1: Lap 56-60: #27 accident backstretch Caution 2: Lap 62-67: #32 spun turn 3 4. SMIFF TV posted: 05.03.2017 - 8:22 pm Rate this comment: (2) (0) Uploaded this one to my channel today. More to come!! 5. grissom fan posted: 05.31.2017 - 9:49 am Rate this comment: (2) (0) THANK YOU SMIFF TV! You have made my 2017 so far with all your uploading of these wonderful vintage BGN races. Please keep them coming! Any more shorttracks (i.e., Myrtle Beach, Dublin, Rougemont)? Of course, you know who I'm rooting for, even though he (SG) has long been retired from NASCAR :) 6. Mannoroth posted: 05.31.2017 - 9:59 am Rate this comment: (0) (7) I'd be more grateful, if he posted 19 missing wins of Mark Martin in Xfinity, but at least something. Or at least 1992 Mello Yello 500. Soon hopefully... 7. GoPM27 posted: 05.31.2017 - 10:04 am Rate this comment: (0) (1) @#6 How about being grateful for what he has posted instead? People like you are why YouTube uploaders say "screw it" and cease posting because of ungrateful folks like you who snit when their demands aren't fulfilled. 8. Mannoroth posted: 06.01.2017 - 1:19 pm Rate this comment: (0) (7) These uploaders should upload the races that are still missing... I see no point to upload some races that are already available. I appreciate that Smiff TV uploads some missing races, but he mostly uploads the races that are already available and that's pretty useless and waste of time. If NASCAR doesn't want to create their own database with all races from all 3 series, then at least all those uploaders could create their own database on YouTube together and cooperate a little. 9. Ferret posted: 06.01.2017 - 1:44 pm Rate this comment: (2) (0) The counter to that is having the same race on multiple chanels means if one channel gets taken down, the race is still up for viewing, as has happened before with some channels being taken down out of nowhere. Personally, I'll aoo for having races uploaded by multiple people as a backup to prevent races being lost by one channel having X amount of exclusive uploads then that channel getting terminated and those races being lost forever. 10. grissom fan posted: 06.01.2017 - 2:01 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) @ #8, kinda tough for a person to upload what said person may not possess, no? 11. Seibaru posted: 06.01.2017 - 2:51 pm Rate this comment: (3) (0) @8 Shut up and appreciate what you have. 12. Jolly Mean Giant posted: 06.01.2017 - 8:13 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) #8 The entitlement is strong with this one. Seriously, dude, NOBODY owes you or is obligated to upload any old races at all. I'm pretty sure guys like Smiff are just uploading them for fun and the entertainment and others...and here you are whining at them for not putting up races that haven't been seen yet like it's their JOB to do so or they're required to put them up for you. Ever thought that...MAYBE...people might not HAVE recordings of those races? Just because a race was televised does not mean that anybody watching at home recorded it, or if they did it doesn't mean they MUST put it up. Begging people for races is just going to make them more likely to NOT post them. Nobody wants to feel like something they're doing for fun is an obligation or a job, and pestering them won't help. I speak from personal experience here as an amateur writer who's had to deal with people begging me for requests and hassling me over them until I nearly blew a head gasket. And for that matter, you do realize that none of the people uploading the races OWN the rights to them, do you? NASCAR does. If they wanted to they could go copyright strike crazy like F1 and take down EVERY single TV broadcast of one of their series' race uploaded to Youtube by others. Would that be a popular move? Hell no, but they own the rights to the material in those broadcasts and legally could freely do that if they wished. You should just be grateful that A. people even bother to upload races in the first place and B. NASCAR apparently doesn't care enough about that and allows people to do that in the first place. 13. Ferret posted: 06.01.2017 - 10:49 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) @12: Youtube could easily turn right around and start issuing strikes though, I know of two channels that got nuked in the past and several of the videos were on there, weren't ever fond again. People I think take the uploads for granted and basicallly think they are either immune to getting strikes, or it won't happen to them. Youu could make the argument that a minute or so of an exciting finish is for entertainment or fair use (and before anyone starts saying OH POSTING WHOLE RACES is fair use, go read up on it), but posting whole races isn't,, at all, fair use...or in other words, posting (say) the 93 Daytona 500 finish and discussing it, pausing the video to point things out and explain why Dale made certain moves and why Ned said certain things would, in actuality, be a lot easier to point to and say oh, hey, this is educational or entertaining, than just posting the whole race. And on the subject of rights holders....I have been shown at least two C and D letters from FOX ordering uploaders/streamers not to use their races, period. So yeah, it does happen, and FOX are very proactive at nuking streams once they find them depending on what it is. Hell for the longest time both F1 and MLB isssued strikes for even a few seconds of clips, the ALMS got one of their videos removed for literally a few seconds of F1 footage in the intro to the race broadcast in the opening titles. That being said.....again, I don't think it is the rights holders that will get an uploader strikes, I think it's the music in the broadcast, to use an example, 38 Special, copyrighted and given how awfully trigge happy the music industry is...yeah. Heard rumors even the CBS Sports theme of the 90s is enough to get auto flagged by YT now. It's insanely stupid realyly.... 14. Mannoroth posted: 06.02.2017 - 7:23 am Rate this comment: (0) (1) I know that NASCAR has a problem with people uploading the newest races, because they suddenly decided to upload their own full races in 2014. But before that year, I haven't seen any issues with older races or finishes and I know a guy that posted a lot of missing 2013 finishes and doesn't have any problem with the rights. It's logical, because he's the first who uploaded at least something from some race. However, if NASCAR suddenly decided to upload all their old races on YouTube, all the uploaders would be in trouble. It's a pity they don't have that interest (not to take those uploaders down, to have it all in one place)... 15. Ferret posted: 06.02.2017 - 8:25 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) I don't particularly trust NASCAR with their own races however, they have been known to...shall we say....revise history in their Top 10 shows, so given that who knows what they'd do with older WC races or Busch racs or the Truck races from 94/95/96? For that reason alone I personally think that they should stay the hell away from uploading races unless they can prove they can not alter history at all. As for the argument that the rights holders don't care....no. FOX at least has a history of cracking down on things, they shut down NFL streams, NASCAR streams often, and even int the gaming scene coined the term 'Foxed' for shutting down a Doom 2 mod based on Aliens, which, yes, they hold the rights to. Is it popular? Not really, is it right? They own the broadcast rights to the series, so they can do what they want with that, if they wanted to sudddenly strike down all the FOX videos on Youtube, they'd be well within their rights to do so and nobody could realistically defend against it. One more thing that has come up in the Let's Play community recently...and yes, this is actually pertinent, is the whole 'companies do not care' mantra. No, Ryan Morrison, aka the videogame attorney essentially stated the following points when asked about it: 1. Uploading that sort of stuff (LP episodes or races) is in a legal grey area 2. There has never been a legally binding decision on if uploading such mateial is illegal or not, and if it is, then a lot of people will suddenly be out of a job and a ton of videos will be forcibly removed from YT 3. Companies do not want it to go to court because....wait for it....they like the free publicity. NASCAR too to a point, they like people getting into the sport by watching the races. They like people learning about the sport. Also, like I said before I do think the biggest threat will come from the music industry cracking down on anything with music in it, if I were uploading races I'd go through and mute the music to avoid trouble, even if it means a lot more work per race, and given how music happy networks were back in the day I do feel that's a time bomb waiting to go off if some record label feels John Doe uploaded some NASCAR with Molly Hatchet in it and the label isn't getting a cut, bang, copyright strike...since the music industry is stuck in a whole other era about copyright and violently defends it...see Youtube's content ID screwup for a prime example. 16. SMIFF TV posted: 06.02.2017 - 12:25 pm Rate this comment: (2) (0) Hey guys, I see I've been the subject of some conversation here recently, so I thought I'd drop by and give you my side of the story, just for posterity. Firstly,Mannoroth....I hold no ill will towards you for griping that I'm not uploading what you want, but like someone else said, I can't upload what I don't have. And as far as uploading stuff that's already up, part of that is due to me trading years ago with fellow uploaders (such as cubs604, who sadly passed away about 2 years ago, Michael MacIntyre, and others). Last August, I lost my father to cancer at age 56. He was the one who got me hooked on NASCAR back in 1991, when I was 5. For over 25 years, he and I made it a weekly ritual to watch the race together when possible, something we did right up until he died. The last race he was alive to see was the rain-soaked Xfinity race at Mid-Ohio, just a few days before he passed. What I'm getting at is, he was my whole motivation for uploading my entire race collection (repeats be damned). He always raved about how great of a collection it was and how it would be cool if I could share it with other fans. So just over a month after he passed, I vowed to do what he had always suggested, and have been uploading for the past 9 months. When I started out, I had well over 250 races on DVD and once I got close to running out of stuff to upload, I started buying races for the first time in 8 years. Recently, I've been targeting odds and ends from the 80's and 90's that either had never been on YouTube in full, or had been deleted previously. I've become addicted to putting fresh stuff out there for the younger fans to discover and the older fans to reminisce about. It makes me happy and I also feel like I'm honoring my Dad's memory, as many of the races on my channel were ones he and I watched together live. That all being said, I *intend* to continue buying fresh-to-YouTube races to upload...if people will sell to me. I recently discovered that the people in the race trading/buying community are seriously pissed that people like myself upload these things to YouTube, because they think it takes money out of their pockets because I'm "giving away" this stuff for free and disrespecting their hard work. I respectfully disagree, but it is what it is. About 2 months ago, a friend pointed me to the sim proboards race trading group so I could find more vendors to buy from. Well, I made the "mistake" of having my user name in the group be 'SMIFF TV'. At the time, I had no idea I was upsetting people by uploading races...but I quickly found out they hate me, as I was promptly banned from the group before ever even having a chance to interact with anybody :/ Long story short, I'm spending my own money (and even trading diecasts) to acquire new stuff to share with everybody, so just RELAX if you haven't seen what you wanted yet. Patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. To quote the legendary Burt Gummer from 'Tremors': I'm just doing what I can with what I got. 17. Ferret posted: 06.02.2017 - 2:44 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) @Smiff: That's a very interesting point of view but iI personally understand it, I am, oddly enough friends with a few...and there's no other way to put this, adult entertainers through shared interests (sports, and griping about Youtube) and they have the same mindset as the race vendors, that people uploading videos detract from their sales. However. I disagree in both cases...and here's why: 1. You bought the footage, and they got the money from that transaction. It isn't as if you are ripping it from a DVD you stole and are putting a 5TB collection or however big it is on torrent sites and hosting it, you paid for the footage, and you paid the vendors. They got the money, that's it, end of story. What you do with that ootage, IMHO, does not concern them, period, as they gave up any right to complain when they sold the tapes/DVDs/whatever 2. Again, free advertising, as I said before about NASCAR, if anything, if people get pointed to a race trading group, or a place they can buy tapes/DVDs/etc, and they wind up buying because of a race on YT, I'd consider it a win for both sides, hthe uploader gets a win for uploading it and the vendors get a win for getting more business. Obviously, I'm on about an ideal world here, but.... Personally, and it's just me Smiff and nothing against you, I watch what you put up but I find that I'm more drawn to the lesser knwon races, the All American 400s, the ARCA, the ASA and that sort of thing rather than the CUp or Busch unless it's something interesting or an older year, I personally have the mid-late 90s as my cutoff for races, but I'll come on here some evenings, go find a race with an interesting result or an interesting story in it and go seek that race out online, no matter who uploaded it. I don't subscribe to the OH MAH GAWD SMIFF YOU MUST TAKE DOWN YOUR 1991 DAYTONA BECAUSE USER X UPLAODED IT!!!!111 IDIOT11!!!! comment mentality, I haven't commented at all on Youtube actually, but I just sit back and shake my head at the tribal mentality among subscibes of all genres really. It just confuses me honestly, but at least for me, I'll watch the same race twoor three times, I've found interesting channels by them uploading the same race, I'll cick on it and then notice it's a different channel, then I'll go see what else they uploaded, it's how I got into watching the AMA Daytona 200s and the 1980s Indycar and 1980s Camel GT era races actualy, and a lot of the older NHRA and even drag boat (I blieve it was Dave W who uploaded it? I can't remember) stuff. That being said.....personally, I'll watch anything that catches my interest, Smiff, if you feel like answering, have you noticed any trends as far as if you upload unique races, does that correspond to a jump in interest or are people perfectly okay with oh look another Cup race at Bristol and oh hey, another Wilkesboro upload and another Pocono race, vs oh Smiff uploaded an ASA video, what's this about or hey, BGN from Rougemont? What's this? That type of reaction. Lastly on the subject of reuploading races, I watched the 1990s Trans Am rac from St Pete earlier and in that descripption (it was on oen of the crash channels actually, that's where it got shuffled to of all the places) it specificially mentioned that in a Q and A in the description, a question was the race was already uploaded so why upload it again, the answer was basically BMB5150's channel had been taken down and a lot of races were lost and needed to be reuploaded...which is a point I agree with, if only for the mindset that if....say...Smiff's channel gets several trikes and gets terminated, those races are still up on Dave's channel or the Racing Jungle's channel or Buggy's channel or whoever, or in other worrds, we don't lose them just because one channel goes down. Either way I've enjoyed reading the cmments here but I still have my trepidation towards NASCAR having their on YT channel and uploading races and I have my trepidation that he music industry may wind up killing videos on Youtube, I know several Let's Players who have lost video money due to game music they can't turn ff, or have had to specifically turn off the soundtracks to games to avoid getting hit with claims for music, not something you can do with a race video at all. That's my other big woryr, that Youtube is going to make a change that will completely and utterly screw over not just race uploaders and LPers, but everyone, for just having music in their videos, be it vlogs, games, old races, or whatever, my fear is that Youtube will (and they did this in the past) mute the videos. I remember YT muted a Jeff Krosnoff tribute back in the day and the anger about tha t was off the charts, they muted it for the music that was used in the Jeff tribute, it wasn't anything the uploader did, it was the ABC/ESPN team that put the segment together, and bam, WMG's pull with YT at the time got it muted. Which completely ruined the point of said video. 18. SMIFF TV posted: 06.02.2017 - 4:07 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Ferret, as far as your two mains points go, you clearly understand where I'm coming from. I have LITERALLY pointed a dozen or more people to that same trading group because they were PM'ing me on YouTube asking if they could buy races on my channel from me. I certainly have no interest in sabotaging or competing with the primary core group of sellers and traders, so I've always deferred people to that group to give the traders the business they seek. And as far as what 'plays best' on my channel, basically anything from the 80's or anything never-before-seen, such as all of the Raw Satellite Feeds. And since you brought it up, I must say that I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers BMB5150's channel...it was one of the best EVER seen on YouTube. BTW - I've uploaded over *300* full races now, and I have *yet* to get a 'strike' against my account...SOMEHOW lol 19. Canadianfan posted: 06.02.2017 - 5:55 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) A couple years ago there was a kind of a great purge. And a bunch of races especially new were ones disappeared. A lot of them are even now still missing 79 Busch Clash for instance. And then all of a sudden NASCAR changed it's mind and let people upload again. 20. RaceFanX posted: 06.04.2017 - 10:37 am Rate this comment: (1) (0) R.I.P. cubs604. Thank you again to all of the uploaders for what they do making the history of racing of kinds more accessible to the masses. I appreciate all you do. 21. Gray Gaulding's Distant Cousin posted: 05.12.2018 - 6:36 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Sponsor Updates #18 Dick Trickle Daley's 1st Aid Pontiac (Ted Conder) #29 Phil Parsons Vortex Comics / Nesquick Oldsmobile (Marsha Parsons) #87 Joe Nemechek High Point Bedding Chevrolet #99 Jeff Burton Armour Meats / Food Lion Chevy (Bill Papke) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: