|| *Comments on the 1999 Chevy Trucks NASCAR 150:* View the most recent comment <#7> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. biffle16 posted: 05.06.2007 - 2:50 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Too bad Horny had to win and not Greg, who really deserved it. :( 2. Anonymous posted: 05.14.2007 - 11:41 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) But if he deserved it then he would have won :( Grow up already. 3. RaceFanX posted: 01.17.2011 - 11:49 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Larry Carnes makes his only Truck series start 4. RaceFanX posted: 03.01.2017 - 11:09 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Ron Hornaday, Jr. records his penultimate Truck series win in the famous #16 NAPA Chevrolet in the series' 99th points race, Hornaday only won two races in 1999. Jack Sprague broke the track record to take the pole for this race but Hornaday bested him at the end. Hornaday wouldn't have to wait long for that last win... Ron Barfield, Jr. crashed in qualifying and had to take a provisional to make the race, starting shotgun on the field. Joe Ruttman, lacking a ride for 1999, took a start and park gig in this race with Duke Thorsen so he could keep his streak of consecutive starts in the Truck series alive. 5. Luke posted: 06.08.2018 - 8:57 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) No. 90 was a Chevrolet as we can see here: 16:30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abjrbQkhBKE 6. Z posted: 03.22.2020 - 1:47 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Adding to @4, Ruttman (in addition to simply wanting to keep the streak alive) kept himself eligible for a $100,000 bonus offered by Craftsman that next week if a driver who had ran every truck race to that point won, that next race being the 100th in series history; Hornaday Jr. successfully accomplished the feat Eligible Drivers: Ron Hornaday Jr, Jack Sprague, Joe Ruttman, Rick Carelli, Butch Miller Sprague's 4th start from pole @ Phoenix, wrecked early on & exacerbating the issue, was called for passing to the left & lost a lap on a stop/go. Going from 1st to 33rd in the opening stages of the race, Sprague regained his lap on 30, an aggressive drive & excellent pitwork putting Sprague in 3rd w/ x50 laps remaining. Passed Houston w/ x25 laps but used the truck up trying to pass Hornaday after getting to his bumper, a particular issue in turn 4. Houston never left the picture late, @ one point serving part of a double-pronged assault for the lead as he & Sprague took turns going high & low to pull the pass. Sprague post-race would take the blame for his over-aggressive drive that both saved him & doomed him, particularly his early caution & an over-eager charge through the field that wore the truck out. Dennis Setzer & Stacy Compton ran side by side in the closing laps, Compton getting the edge by about 6 inches; Mike Wallace was 5th on the last restart but fell back to 14th in the finishing order. Harvick finsihed down the order on account of a wiring failure, Stefanik was primed for a top 10 before late pitting issues relegated him to fighting back 13th, Tolsma got off sequence pitting & never recovered - was better on long runs than short; Mike Goins, tire carrier of #18, toughed out a cracked rib suffered @ Homestead the week prior; Scott Houston (Andy's brother & #60 RT changer) sat out on account of the birth of his son Barfield Jr crashed his primary in qualifying & ran a backup - @ one point running 7th, lost his front brakes on lap 65 & ran that way 'til the finish. Tom Hubert, a road ringer & connoisseur of all things west coast, ran about all that could be asked in his 2nd to last start before being replaced by Bryan Reffner. Butch Miller/Jimmy Hensley (& I'm sure others, but these I know) ran the same trucks they ran the week prior. Hornaday's race winning truck was named "Laverne" & was the same truck he won @ Phoenix the year prior - the truck also won the 1st race it ran, 1997-12 BF: Hornaday Jr (Tied) Debut: Nelson Richardson, Milan Garrett ('99), Ryan McGlynn ('99), Bill Sedgwick ('99, 2nd to last race), Jerry Glanville ('99), David Starr ('99) https://au.motorsport.com/nascar-truck/news/phoenix-chevy-trucks-150-results/1743116/ https://au.motorsport.com/nascar-truck/news/texas-saturday-notes/1742976/?nrt=126 7. SweetRich21/43 posted: 07.27.2020 - 7:28 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) The commentators were Marty Reid and Benny Parsons. The pit road reporters were Dave Burns and Amy East. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: