|| *Comments on the 2001 Chevy Silverado 200:* View the most recent comment <#9> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. mcmurrayfan posted: 06.25.2006 - 5:06 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Best career finish for Lance Hooper (10th). 2. biffle16 posted: 12.17.2006 - 10:01 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Go Get 'Em Greg! 3. RaceFanX posted: 01.22.2008 - 4:14 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Biffle scores the first victory of 2001 for Ford in the Truck Series, much later in the year than any other for that make. Ford only won 2 races all season that year, both late in the year and both with Biffle. With only 4 real full-time teams that year it was no surprise 4. Anonymous posted: 02.22.2010 - 10:52 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Last Truck race at Nazareth 5. 21277Penske posted: 06.07.2010 - 5:18 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Congrats to Greg Biffle, Jack Roush, and the #99 Eldon Ford team on a job well done. 6. RaceFanX posted: 10.04.2017 - 10:15 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Biffle wins at Nazareth for the second time in three years as this track says goodbye to the Trucks. While the Biff was the reigning Truck series champion at the time this was only his third start of the season as he focused on a successful NASCAR Busch series campaign in 2001; he split the #99 truck in the latter part of the season with young buck rookie named Kyle Busch after Roush dismissed the truck's former full-time driver Nathan Haseleu. 7. Z posted: 05.25.2020 - 7:46 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) More Tomorrow... The Last Truck Race @NZ Sees Greg Biffle Come Down & Score A Win In A Part-Time Effort. Biffle Picked Up Some Starts For Roush Following The Canning Of Nathan Haseleu, & Biffle Wouldn't Wait Long To Pick Up Another - Ford's Only x2 Wins Of The Season. AFA Title Implications, Ruttman Would Emerge As Leader Of The "Big 3" ATP Of Ruttman, Riggs, & Sprague - But w/ Only x20 Points Seperating The Trio, It Was Still Anybody's Title For The Taking. Case In Point, 8th Place Finisher Ted Musgrave, Who Left This Race 6th In Points & Finished The Year Runner-Up In Jim Smith's Long-Time Pursuit Of A Title. Nazareth 96/01: Joe Ruttman, Jimmy Hensley, Lance Norick, Jack Sprague, Rick Crawford (X96), Terry Cook (X96), Bryan Reffner (X01) BF: Greg Biffle (Tied, 2LR '01) Terry Cook ('01-Tied, @NZ) Rick Crawford (@NZ) Michael Dokken ('01, 2BF @NZ) -58th Of x74 Starts- Tom Carey Jr (@NZ, 2BF '01-Tied) Scott Riggs (@NZ) Carlos Contreras (@NZ) Coy Gibbs (@NZ) Morgan Shepherd (@NZ-Tied) -17th Of x57 Starts- OR: Ricky Hendrick (@NZ, LT5-Car) Jon Wood (@NZ, 2LT10 '01) Bily Bigley Jr (@NZ, 2LT10) Ted Musgrave (@NZ) Lance Hooper (@NZ) Rodney Sawyers (@NZ, 2BF-Car) Willy T Ribbs (@NZ) Brian Rose (@NZ) -9th Of x41 Starts- Matt Crafton (@NZ) Ricky Sanders (@NZ, 2LR '01) Travis Kvapil (@NZ, 2&LNT20 '01) Bobby Dotter (@NZ, 2LNT20 '01) -29th Of x73 Starts- Jerry Hill (@NZ) -8th Of x58 Starts- Larry Gunselman (@NZ) -18th Of x28 Starts- Stan Boyd (@NZ) -18th Of x47 Starts- 2BF: Jack Sprague (@NZ) 2R: Sammy Sanders (OR @NZ, BF/2LR '01) Conrad Burr (WF, OR '01/@NZ, w/ Burr) 2LR: Johnathon Price ('01, OR @NZ) LR: Ryan McGlynn ('01, 2WF-Tied @NZ) -36th Of x44 Starts- Tom Powers ('01, OR @NZ) -17th Of x27 Starts- 2WF: Joe Ruttman (@NZ) Jimmy Hensley (@NZ, 2BF '01-Tied) Mike Olsen (OR @NZ, LR '01) WF: Dennis Setzer (@NZ) Jerry Miller (@NZ, Car-Tied; 2&LR '01) FDNQ: Clay Young (&ODNQ) Ed Spencer (&ODNQ) 8. Z posted: 05.26.2020 - 12:04 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) ESPN Broadcast: -Jerry Punch/Phil Parsons- (w/ Amy East & Ray Dunlap) Pre-Race Interview: Terry Cook -Kyle Busch practiced Friday in place of Biffle, Contreras said to be "playing hurt due to a garage incident earlier in the week"- Mopar Starting Grid: Cook 129.548, Biffle 129.074, Sprague 128.848, Kvapil 128.650, Crawford 128.297, Hendrick 128.027, Setzer 127.873, Musgrave 127.750, Norick 127.497, Riggs 127.262, Wood 127.249, Gibbs 127.119, Ruttman 127.087, Hensley 126.921, Bigley Jr 126.698, Carey Jr 126.520, Crafton 126.413, Contreras 125.821, Dotter 125.733, Hooper 124.827, Dokken 124.430, Shepherd 124.348, Olsen 124.266, Sawyers 124.138, McGlynn 124.040, Gunselman 123.775, Boyd 123.440, Ribbs 123.419, Rose 123.292, Hill 123.060, Powers 120.915, Sanders (PROV), Sanders (PROV), Price (PROV), Miller (PROV), Burr (PROV) On-Board: Riggs, Musgrave, Cook -Jon Wood backup Truck, big damage practice; Biffle felt x2 Trucks to worry about: Cook/Sprague (felt good otherwise - good night sleep, good job by Busch shaking Truck, & prior success @NZ)- L17: Setzer reporting RF vibration L18: Biffle, Cook -1.5, Sprague -2.0, Crawford -5.2, Kvapil -5.7, Hendrick -6.1, Musgrave -6.3, Wood -7.5, Ruttman -9.7, L19: Dotter pits flat RF/vibration - described as running well practice L21: Biffle, Cook -1.9, Sprague -2.6, Crawford -6.9, Kvapil -8.1, Hendrick -8.4, Musgrave -8.5, Wood -9.9, Bigley Jr -13.1, Ruttman -13.3, Crafton -13.6, Riggs -14.8, Hensley -15.5, Gibbs -15.5, Carey Jr -16.8, Setzer -18.3, McGlynn -18.6, Hooper -18.8, Contreras -19.1, Shepherd -20.5, Sawyers -20.7, Norick -22.3, Dokken -22.4, Rose -22.8, Ribbs -1, Olsen -1, Hill -1, Powers -1, Dotter -2, R-Sanders -3, S-Sanders -7, Price -9, Gunselman -10, Burr (OUT), Boyd (OUT), Miller (OUT) -Kvapil +12 ROTY Standings > Hendrick- L23: (1-5 Unchanged); L29: Biffle 121.155 -Crawford same Truck as week prior @CHI- L35: Setzer -1 (16th); L38: Musgrave potential spotter radio issues; L39: Setzer rights/fuel, runs over air hose, extended stop -Lance Norick crashed "High Boy", CHI Truck, in Friday practice; diff. Truck currently [CC: Paul Balmer]- L49: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Hendrick, Kvapil, Wood, Musgrave, Bigley Jr, Crafton, Ruttman, Riggs, Hensley, Gibbs, Carey Jr, Contreras, Hooper, Dokken, Sawyers, Rose, Ribbs, Setzer, Hill, Norick, Shepherd, McGlynn, Dotter, R-Sanders, Powers, Olsen, S-Sanders, Price, Gunselman, Burr, Boyd, Miller L51: Riggs/Ruttman -1 Riggs Spotter: Russell Riggs (father); Riggs running loose; L54: Hill behind wall, has a damaged truck (1-5 Unchanged) L65: Ruttman rights/fuel, trying diff. strategy b/c Truck not believed as race winning; C1: Crafton (fastest rookie Happy Hour) into T4 wall - locked brakes under Bigley Jr & went for a spin, hit wall w/ left rear; Biffle was right behind -35 MPH Pit Road Speed- Pitting: Biffle, Cook, Sprague - others Biffle +1/2 RFAP, -1/2 RRAP, Rights/Fuel Cook Rights/Fuel, RRAP Adjustment Kvapil Rights/Fuel, chassis adjustment (1/2 rubber LR) - held up on exit by Bigley Jr stopping short in pit box Riggs/Ruttman each Rights/Fuel, part of 2nd round of pit stops Pit Entry/Exit: Biffle 1/1, Cook 2/3, Sprague 3/2, Crawford 4/6, Hendrick 5/4 Driver Relief: Mike Olsen took over for Bobby Dotter, Dotter not feeling well all week, considered it a success to make it off pit road, much less ~1/4 of the race 9. Z posted: 05.26.2020 - 5:49 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) -CONCLUSION- L74: Biffle, Sprague, Cook, Hendrick, Crawford L83: (1-5 Unchanged), Wood, Musgrave, Kvapil, Bigley Jr, Riggs, Gibbs, Carey Jr, Hensley, Hooper, Dokken, Contreras, Sawyers, Setzer, Ruttman, Ribbs, Rose, Norick, Crafton, R-Sanders, Dotter, Hill, McGlynn, Shepherd, Powers, Olsen, S-Sanders, Price, Gunselman, Burr, Boyd, Miller L86: Cook -> Sprague, T1 On-Track Interval [L82/86] Biffle 29.0(4.5), 29.2(4.4), 29.1(4.6), 29.4(4.6), 29.3(4.9) Cook 29.0("), 29.1("), 29.3("), 29.3("), 29.6(") Lance Hooper ran @ Bristol Busch, drove himself to NZ & qualified on zero sleep L89: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Wood, Musgrave, Kvapil, Bigley Jr, Hendrick, Gibbs ~L95: Kvapil behind wall w/ issues, stuck in 2nd gear & in-truck fire extinguisher went off while on-track - unusual, but Parsons noted it happened during a race to himself once L103: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Wood, Musgrave, Bigley Jr, Hendrick, Gibbs, Carey Jr ~L105: Gibbs hood-up, behind wall - transmission?; L108: Biffle 122.474; L109: Bigley Jr -1 (8th) L112: Musgrave -1 (7th) L114: Hendrick -1 (6th) L116: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Wood, Hendrick, Bigley Jr, Musgrave, Carey Jr, Hensley, Hooper, Riggs, Dokken, Sawyers, Contreras, Ruttman, Setzer, Ribbs, Rose, Gibbs, Norick, Crafton, R-Sanders, Kvapil, Dotter, Hill, McGlynn, Shepherd, Powers, Olsen, S-Sanders, Price, Gunselman, Burr, Boyd, Miller Hensley reported as having electrical issues earlier, running an older-body Dodge body built by Joey Arrington L120: Setzer x4 tires/fuel, trackbar adjustment - scheduled stop, off-sequence from earlier; extended stop b/c of RR lugnut missing... (1-4 Unchanged), Hendrick C2: #19 stalled T1, Musgrave was on pit road ATT; Biffle lefts/fuel, Cook lefts/fuel, Sprague/Crawford also pit 1st round (Sprague rights, Crawford lefts) Hendrick lefts, Wood lefts - Wood blocked in by Riggs on exit, hit Gibbs & nearly a Gibbs crewman Craftsman Pit Profile: Rich Burgdoff (NASCAR Tech Inspector) Sprague unscheduled 2nd stop, LR vibration, later confirmed as going down ~L153: Biffle agrees to let Hendrick get lap back, provided Hendrick can catch up (doesn't wanna unfairly affect standings for Truck regulars) L157: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Hendrick L164: (1-5 Unchanged), Bigley Jr, Wood, Musgrave, Ruttman, Carey Jr, Hooper, Dokken, Hensley, Riggs, Contreras, Ribbs, Setzer, Sawyers, Rose, Gibbs, Crafton, Norick, R-Sanders, Kvapil, Dotter, Hill, McGlynn, Shepherd, Powers, Olsen, S-Sanders, Price, Gunselman, Burr, Boyd, Miller L170: Biffle, Cook, Sprague, Crawford, Hendrick; L182: (1-5 Unchanged), Wood, Bigley Jr, Musgrave, Ruttman, Hooper On-Track Interval [L185/189]: Biffle 29.4(3.3), 30.2(2.6), 29.6(2.8), 30.0(2.7), 30.0(2.5) Cook 29.5("), 29.5("), 29.8("), 29.8("), 29.8(") C3: Gibbs T4 wall, no brakes Sprague lefts, Crawford rights Biffle w/ quite an impressive smoke show Post-Race Interviews: Jeff Campey/Greg Biffle Terry Cook, Jack Sprague Rick Crawford -Ran an Ernie Elliott Engine- Scott Riggs, Billy Bigley Jr Joe Ruttman Jon Wood: "I kinda like this place but I dread coming back" Ted Musgrave, Ricky Hendrick ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. 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