|| *Comments on the 1959 unnamed race (1959-11):* View the most recent comment <#4> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. nascar_vd / Racing-Reference.info posted: 05.20.2017 - 12:32 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) V1959-11 Driver standings after this race (top25): 1) Joe Lee Johnson = 3992 2) Larry Frank = 3776 3) Ken Rush = 3160 4) Gene White = 3080 5) Brownie King = 2656 6) Marvin Panch = 2424 7) Shorty Rollins = 2264 8) Joe Eubanks = 2152 9) Richard Petty = 2152 10) Wilbur Rakestraw = 2096 11) Glen Wood = 2072 12) Jimmy Thompson = 2056 13) Ben Benz = 1712 14) Joe Weatherly = 1704 15) George Green = 1552 16) Bob Welborn = 1328 17) Billy Carden = 1304 18) Roy Tyner = 1152 19) Gober Sosebee = 1064 20) Paul Bass = 1008 21) G.C. Spencer = 880 22) Fireball Roberts = 824 23) Shep Langdon = 800 24) Pete Kelly = 800 25) Bob Said = 800 2. Z posted: 05.23.2020 - 3:14 pm Rate this comment: (0) (1) On this day x61 years ago, Glen Wood bests Bob Welborn for his only win of '59, & by extension his last in Convertibles. This would be the 1st race @WS that Wood led laps at, a feeling he'd become all too familiar with; all x4 of Wood's Cup wins came @WS, w/ a perfect 600/600 laps led sweep in the 1st x3 victories. Having "only" led x95 during his 4th win, Wood decided he had disgraced his dojo & hung his helmet up shortly after. (joking) Drivers @WS [5/5]: Glen Wood, Bob Welborn, Larry Frank BF: Glen Wood (tied) Shep Langdon (@WS) 2BF: Bob Welborn (@WS) -Won prior x2 races, 57-II/58- OR: Richard Petty (@WS;2LT10) Buck Baker (@WS;2LT5/10) Ned Jarrett (@WS;2LT10) Fred Harb (@WS;LNT10) Joe Lee Johnson (@WS) Joe Eubanks (@WS) Gene White (@WS, w/ Julian Petty) 2R: Paul Walton (BF) 2LR: Ken Rush (2BF @WS;LT10) Johnny Allen (BF @WS;LT10) Barney Shore (BF @WS;LT10) Max Berrier (OR @WS, F<10) LD Austin (OR @WS, BF '59) LR: Jim Reed (OR @WS) Jimmy Pardue (OR @WS; BF-Car) Whitey Norman (WF @WS, 2WF '59) 2WF: Larry Frank (@WS; LNT10) WF: Tiny Lund (@WS) Brownie King (@WS) 3. JSPorts posted: 05.23.2020 - 4:05 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) What? 4. Z posted: 05.23.2020 - 4:22 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) ^I was joking how anything less than leading 200 laps would be a disappointment to Wood since he really did lead all 600 laps in his 1st x3 wins. Guess I shouldn't have added that (or not posted after watching martial arts movies, which is where the whole "dojo" thing came from) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: