|| *Comments on the 1968 East Tennessee 200:* View the most recent comment <#4> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. David H posted: 02.23.2011 - 9:23 am Rate this comment: (3) (0) Buddy Baker was hurt in a cash here, and while being transported he fell out of the ambulance on the track and nearly got run over 2. Billy Kingsley posted: 02.18.2013 - 12:11 am Rate this comment: (1) (0) Name of the race was East Tennessee 200 3. Steve posted: 09.03.2020 - 1:35 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Medic: "Are you OK?!" Buddy: "No! I'm dead!" 4. saltsburgtrojanfan posted: 12.28.2020 - 7:28 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Until his unlikely upset win in the 1970 Daytona 500, this is Pete Hamilton's best career finish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: