|| *Comments on the 1985 Budweiser 500:* View the most recent comment <#12> | Post a comment <#post> Tweet 1. Steve posted: 07.20.2006 - 6:42 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) This is the only race Tommie Crozier ever finished (15th). Bob Riley got his career best in his last start (14th). Feel good story for Phil Good, who finished 17th, tying a career best which he earned earlier at Richmond in February. 2. Courtney posted: 07.21.2006 - 7:03 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Is this the race that the RCR team performed the "unheard-of feat of replacing the camshaft in Earnhardt's engine", in order to get Dale back on the track to gain some points? 3. Anonymous posted: 12.09.2007 - 11:35 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) No, that happened in this race in 1990. 4. Clayton Caldwell posted: 02.23.2008 - 4:42 pm Rate this comment: (0) (1) Awesome Bill Laps the entire field! They don't call him awesome Bill for Nothing! He DOMINATED this race! 5. Chris posted: 10.12.2012 - 8:38 am Rate this comment: (1) (1) Bill Elliott had 1 good season...THAT'S IT!!! A driver that comes to mind is Jeremy Mayfield. Mayfield > Elliott. 6. Roger posted: 02.12.2013 - 4:18 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) Chris that is the dumbest statement I've ever heard on these boards and it is very uneducated. Elliott had several years he was in points contention not just 1985. Why a MOD would even approve a false statement is beyond me. 7. Ryan W posted: 06.23.2013 - 8:09 pm Rate this comment: (1) (0) Elliott was really only in serious contention for the title in '85, '88, and '92... He blew two of them. He about blew all three. I guess you could look at '84 as a season where he made some late strides and had an outside chance. 8. Walleyewhacker posted: 02.15.2014 - 1:38 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Ryan, Elliott had a 6.6 average finish in 1988. That's a better finishing average than 6 of 7 Earnhardt's Cup years. Get some perspective and give Rusty Wallace credit for having a great 1988 season as well. 9. Roger posted: 12.13.2014 - 5:20 pm Rate this comment: (0) (1) These guys are complete idiots talking out of their arses and can't back up anything they say. Walley don't waste your time on stating facts because they are only interested in lies and BS. I can't stand people that try to talk racing that lack knowledge of what they are talking about. 10. Ivan_Balakhonov posted: 04.09.2020 - 9:29 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Cautions rundown: 79-86 (#6 crash T3-T4), 169-177 (#17 crash T1), 181-186 (debris), 224-228 (#22 crash T1), 349-357 (#47 crash T2) 11. NewGuyOnTheBlock posted: 04.14.2020 - 10:10 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Mizlou broadcast this race. Mike Hogewood and Dick Brooks were in the booth with Mark Garrow in the pits. Harry Gant's second-place finish was the start of an incredible streak that saw him finish second in the next four Winston Cup races (including the inaugural Winston). 12. rateus posted: 02.07.2021 - 11:08 am Rate this comment: (0) (0) Ed Baugess and George Wiltshire were both driving Oldsmobiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: