|| *Comments on Los Angeles Speedway:* View the most recent comment <#3> | Post a comment <#post> 1. RaceFanX posted: 12.08.2015 - 10:26 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Home of the legendary Turkey Night Grand Prix from 1955 to 1959. Track operated through at least 1962, when the last NASCAR West race was held, but has long since been torn down and the property redeveloped. 2. Jim Thurman posted: 05.06.2017 - 12:21 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) Yes, Gardena Stadium continued operating through 1964, as Western Speedway. Los Angeles Speedway, which opened in 1957, became Ascot Park. 3. Jim Thurman posted: 05.06.2017 - 12:31 pm Rate this comment: (0) (0) The races from Los Angeles Speedway should be moved to the Ascot Park heading, as Los Angeles Speedway changed its name to Ascot Park. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Post a comment:* Your comment may not appear immediately - all comments must be approved by the moderator. Name: Comment: